Friday 24 September 2010

Steaming Punky...

....Cor blimey I have been nearly bursting at the seams keeping these FAB new stamps quiet... but today is the day that they are launced... hurrah and thrice!! Click HERE to see all the new ones in their finery... and here is a little frame I altered using some Tissue Tape, Metal and Alcohol Inks...

The big flower was stamped onto metal, refined and aged and then turned into a fivepetal flower... I then made a rose using metal and the small flower to sit in the middle with a leaf behind it. The butterfly is made from Dijon metal .. isn't that just a GORGEOUS stamp!!! And... check out the ickle snail... soooo cute!

So... we are at Ally Pally this weekend... Jennie is demoing and I am doing Make & Takes... so if you fancy a little play with some inks and Grungepaper, do pop by to Stand 49 & 50 - it will be grand to see you! And... as a special Jennie and I have been really busy making some brooches for giveaways... basically, on both days...the first 25 peeps to spend £25 (on anything at all on the stand) will receive one of the brooches we have made... and as a special extra... on each day there is a gold rose in with the others... so if you get the gold one, you will receive a Goody Bag stuffed full of delish stash... all from Jennie and you know how generous she is with her giveaways!

Those there are my brooches and these below are made by Jennie... all I will say is that I have very very very sorely fingers after all that stitching ROFL...

Anyways... hope to see you at the show... and thanks for looking... TTFN

Hels x


  1. Always feel like I am repeating myself there and here, but gorgeous roses. See you tomorrow.

  2. Fab roses, the picture is gorgeous! I ordered the new stamps today, as sadly I can't come this weekend :( Hope you have a great time, don't forget to have some lunch! Judith xx

  3. Stunning roses you have been busy. I'll be sure to stop by and say hello :)Off to check out the new stamps and cross my fingers there will be something left by Sunday.

  4. Gorgeous flowers, fabulous new stamps. Sadly can't make Ally Pally this year so off to have another look at the new stamps :)
    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend - keep those fingers going Hels ! x

  5. I just love the new stamps and all the roses. Just beautiful!

  6. very pretty..Love the new stamps also.. Wish I lived closer would be a fun weekend. Enjoy.

  7. Love the new stamps & your frame is gorgeous Hels! As for the roses... yep! love them too! I'll be popping by tomorrow to play with grungepaper! See you then! xxx

  8. Hope you both have a really good weekend at the show. Lucky peeps getting a brooch!

    Lucy x


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