Sunday 26 September 2010

Totally Textured... Featuring The Sunday Stamper


A quickie post to let you know that over on my Ink On My Fingers blog I am hosting my Sunday Stamper challenge and this week Jennie has very kindly offered to sponsor it.

The deets for the theme and prize etc are all HERE... to join in you can also click to follow this blog and leave a comment to let us know you have done that.. or if you are already a follower and fancy a challenge, please leave a link and comment over on the Sunday Stamper post :O))

The prize is a set of the brand new SteamPunk stamps... here's a pic of what you could win! Thanks for looking...

Hels x


  1. Hels, I love this shadowbox with all the amazing textures. You must never sleep with all the art you continuously turn out! You're an inspiration.

  2. You are SO talented your feet must be barely touching the ground. I betcha you have X-ray vision and superstrength as well!!!
    It's. Just. Stunning!!!

  3. What a lovely things; that is really the kind of stuff I would like to create, but I still have so much to learn. I'm very new to stampin' and altering; so I thank you for all the inspiration!
    Love, Marianne

  4. I love your shadow box,i am a Black Tag is on

  5. This shadow box is absolutely stunning, Hels!

  6. I've only just noticed that the snail is wearing a top hat - how FaB!! Love your shadowbox, off to check out the Sunday Stamper for more deets :)

  7. I'm following both blogs and posted a link.

    Congratulations. Great candy!


Thank you for leaving us a comment... they are all appreciated... have an inky day!

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