Saturday 15 January 2011

And The Winner Is...

...Many many thanks for all your lovely comments on the ATC Giveaway post... I have added the comments here (24) to the comments left on my own blog (40) which gives us 64 in total. Hey I can count a bit LOL. I have then added these numbers into Mr. and the number he has chosen is.....#39 which tallies with ANESHA's lovely comment. Here is a piccie of the ATC :O))

Thanks for looking... have a fabby Saturday and don't forget to pop back tomorrow to see Alison's amazing art! TTFN

Hels x


  1. Thank you so much, can't wait to get it in my hands! Hope you are doing ok. Hugs Anesha

  2. Congratulations for lucky Anesha!!!!


Thank you for leaving us a comment... they are all appreciated... have an inky day!

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.