Monday 14 March 2011

A Little Steampunk for You Today

I'm back at The Artistic Stamper Creative Team blog today with a bottle full of fun for you .....all wild and creative, which is controlled by my state of mind....or some may mind at all! I had such a great time playing around with The Artistic Stamper stamps on this piece.

This may take a bit of imagination here for some of you more straight laced people (not saying any names mind you), but I started out with a coat of gesso, then colored the chipboard with Distress Inks, stamped the top part with this cool cog bg stamp, added more gesso to tone it down some, and then flicked some water here and there to get a mottled look. These stamps have been creatively used several times, and I really had to come up with something a little different, that's how this all came about. I used Artistic Stamper stamps, added some Ranger cogs, some watch parts...The Artistic Stamper have got the best little packets of them, and added the rest of the stuff from my stash, aging with Distress EP. The bottle was colored slightly with pencils, then I added Distress Stickles on top. I hope I got you to think out of the box a little today, never know where your imagination may take you. (I usually land up on the 7th floor, in a padded room, all alone...can you imagine that! lol).

Hugs, Gerrie Johnnic


  1. Great piece of art Jennie !

  2. Jennie, this is great - it really made me smile! Have a great day - it's nice and sunny here, shame I'm in the office looking at it through the window!

  3. Gerrie, Iam loving this quirky take on the stamps:))

  4. Absolutely incredible, what a laugh. All I need to know is where you can buy imagination like that?
    luv Joanne xx

  5. Fabulous piece of artwork which really made me smile.

  6. I think I know the padded room you mean! LOL
    Fab fun piece ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  7. Pure Steamp punk Magic XOXO Zoe

  8. What does it mean if you don't see anything unusal? Love that mind and this is not at all thinking out of the box, but thinking out of the bottle! He!He!

  9. So cool! Love the crown and the jar with wheels!

  10. Wonderful mix of images and creativity! Fun piece!

  11. This is so cool. Makes me want to get a pile of stuffs out and create! LOVE IT!

  12. I love this little horsey carty strange steampunky bird card - its brill !

  13. Great steampunk piece. Wonderful.

  14. LOL, totally brilliant, Annette x

  15. Awesome piece, gf! So stinkin' creative and steampunk!

  16. fantastic card Gerrie, love how it looks and my straight laced little brain loves your creativity!

  17. It's brilliantly creative Gerrie! Love it!

  18. Wonderfully creative Gerrie!!! I Love me some Steampunk!

  19. I think I saw it was your birthday today on someone elses blog. I hope I have the right Gerrie, if so, Happy Birthday

  20. I never would have expected the rest of this! So glad I hopped over from your blog. Fantastic art.

  21. Hi Gerrie,

    Yes, even my straight-laced mind can see all kinds of fun in this card! I love the bird. I love how you used that gorgeous crown become the birds "crown" of hair. I really love the image that is over the bottle and bird scene...perhaps it's a clock meets a sun? I can't figure out how you made the bottle look so full...and I loved the "wheels!"

    It must mean that you are going places--- to celebrate your birthday today!

    Love you, GF!
    Traci S.

  22. I love this it's so quirky!!!!!

    Ali x

  23. Very fun! Love the steampunk pieces!

  24. this is fab Gerrie, wacky and right up my street! x


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