Saturday 31 December 2011

Time for goodbyes, and welcome to 2012!

I hate goodbyes, (au revoir is so much nicer) so, as 2011 draws to a close, The Artistic Stamper Creative Team is saying au revoir to Hels.
 I first encountered Hels about 4 years ago when I joined a forum, and came across her work on her blog. This inspired me to start my own blog ( who'd have thought that blogging would become so big !) , and I in turn asked her to create some artwork for us here at The Artistic Stamper. The rest they say is history!
 Hels has been my Creative Co-ordinator for the past 4 years, and I will miss her , not only for her creative artwork, inspiration and ideas, but for her "behind the scenes" help, whenever I have needed it. She has organised all the Creativity that you see on the blog ,  even designing her own stamps..namely Stitchels, as well as creating her own artwork for her blog.  Thank you for the past four years, it has been fun. We wish you all the best for the future.

 We also said au revoir to Nicky ( aka Minxy) who has always made me smile with her innovative artwork. Nicky has been with The Artistic Stamper for about 3 years , and will be missed for her gorgeous innovative artwork, and her inspiration using our stamps.

Finally Tina has decided to leave the team, and her artwork using Mabel Lucie Attwell has never failed to inspire!

We wish you the best for the coming year, may 2012 be bright, and fun filled, and full of Creativity!

Happy New Year! See you in 2012!


  1. Sorry to see you all go, I will miss the inspiration.

  2. Sad to see them go but I am sure there will still be lots of inspiration and new surprises to come, happy new year hugs trace x

  3. Loved seeing all their work .....good luck to you all for the future......sure we will be seeing your work again somewhere soon. Looking forward to seeing the new team on here next year x

  4. so sorry to see the girls go i was lucky enough to win a blog challange of stamps and one of hels creations second picture down in the abpove post and have treasured it ever since

  5. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu!
    Thanks for all the has been a blast...see you in cyber space :)
    xoxo Sioux

  6. I have followed and loved every minute of each post showing the talent of these ladies. Good luck to you all and a great big thank you.
    Hugs Joanne xxx

  7. awww farewll lovely ladies xx

  8. Just wanted to say a big thanks to Jennie for the arty fun over the past few years, it was a pleasure to be a part of the team for so long, I'm sure 2012 will be full of fun fresh and new inspiration and i look forward to seeing it and the new and old teams efforts xx
    Happy New Year all xx

  9. Goodness, don't come on line for a few days and everything changes!! Sorry to see the guys go but know they will still be about in blogland to inspire us and there will be new talent on your design team. Happy New Year!

  10. Just wanted to pop on and say a big thank you to Jennie and the girls on the team for making my time as DT Co-Ordinator such a lovely experience... I will miss you all.. much love XXX


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