Saturday 4 February 2012

Winner of The January Challenge

Hi, its the chief stamper here again and this time with the winner of the January Creative Team challenge. We had an amazing number of entries to last month's challenge yet again, and we thank you all so much for joining in.
Now I know that you just really would like to know who has won the £15.00 worth of The Artistic Stamper stamps, so without much ado.. and a drum roll please....the winner is

with this gorgeous piece

Congratulations , and please email me, so I can send you prize to you.

Don't forget that this month's challenge is HEARTS, and we love seeing your creations...
Have a very creative day
Jennie x


  1. congratulations to the winner! What a lovely piece.

    Jackie x

  2. Congratulatons to the winner.
    It is a real beauty


  3. OMG! I just stopped by looking for some inspiration, and happened to see my card had won the January challenge. I about fell out of my chair! I love it here, and am so excited to have won! Thank you!


Thank you for leaving us a comment... they are all appreciated... have an inky day!

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