Wednesday 8 August 2012

Titbelsoeur's tin can for a giveaway

It was just two years ago today,
Jennie launched this team blog to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile
So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for all these years
The Artistic Stamper Creative Team bloooog
(Pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom....)
We're the Artistic Stamper Creative Team
We hope you will enjoy the show
The Artistic Stamper Creative Team
Sit back and let the evening go
The Artistic Stamper, The Artistic Stamper,
The Artistic Stamper Creative Team
It's wonderful to be here
It's certainly a thrill
You're such a lovely audience
We'd like to help you win with us
We'd love to help you win

(said WIN ?)(WHO said WIN ?)(don't know but I'm sure I've heard WIN...)(you sure ? wow... how interesting, isn't it ?)(a few, my nephew* ! let's find it out !)(Sure it came this way...)

What ? you're not tuned or what ? don't tell me you were not aware that it is the 2nd anniversary of  "The Artistic Stamper Creative Team" blog this month ! (can't believe) don't you know that to celebrate, Jennie is giving away stamps to some lucky followers ? Are you living on a desert island, or what ?

Here is a reminder on how to win these stamps...
Each Team member has chosen which stamps they would like to work with this month and those are the stamps you could win with me (you can find it in the Collage stamps section) :

To win this set you must leave a comment on one of my posts this month (either here or over on my personal blog which you can find HERE)

At the end of the month , I will pick out a winner from the comments on MY posts.. and that person wins the stamps.

The other members of the team also have stamps to give away and its the same process.. leave a comment on their posts and you can win the stamps they are giving away.

Here is my first use of these stamps : I have stamped the whole plate on an old sheet that I would use to cover this tin can.
Circles cut in an old pair of jeans, a button and a zip.... tadammm ! here is a flower !

But I am sure that you Eagle-eyes have immediately noticed the stamped text on the top zip...

and on the piece of fabric below the flower...

YES ! this is an extra stamp that you can win ALONG WITH the The Open Road 1 plate, just only leaving a (nice) comment on one of my post here and/or there ! isn't it simple as good morning* ? Isn't that another good news ???

Soooo girls.... leave a comment, make a wish... and it may come true !!!

A très bientôt !!

* I looooove to make literal translation of French idioms, that sounds so funny.... don't know how it sounds in English... thus I beg my British audience not to bear a grudge against me if it doesn't ! Pleaaaaase don't ! I promise I won't do it again ! or only once or twice..... maybe... (can't stop, it's soooo funny !!)


  1. Oh, I am so wishin' and commentin'! Love that old tin, that came out fabulous!

  2. How fun! Love that you've stamped on a sheet.... that's a new one to me and it's fantabulous.

  3. Absolutely inspirational, thank you!!
    Hazel xx

  4. Brilliant - I love the flower too

  5. Tit, the poem is fabulous! and love your can too :)) Good luck to everyone in the draw!

  6. Beautiful tin, loved the poem too! :)

  7. It is really a beautiful tin you have made - and great stamps.

  8. Great stamps and I love the way you've made the flower!

  9. Oh Tit, first of all, what a fun post, it brought a big smile to my face, you are so funny and so flipping good at English! Love your tin and that flower specially, INSPIRED!! xoxo

  10. I only wish my French was half as good!! ;) Your post today is the stamping on cloth and ribbon :)
    xoxo Sioux

  11. Great project and lovely stamps.

    ** Kate **

  12. suoerbe boite a crayons et je reconnais bien là titbelsoeur... bravooo

  13. WoW1 Totally terrific project!

  14. magnifique ton pot à crayons !
    you are the best !!!!

  15. Just awsome !!! I love it and it's so "crazy" ;-) Ok, so now you know that I can do it in English too, so good luck to myself (I know, I silly and immature..LOL) but your tin is terrific ;-) Take care !

  16. Great tin can you made and i love the stamps you used.

    Greetings Janny

  17. Firstly, I loved the poem/song lyrics, the Beatles would be proud of you, I sang it out loud... Loved the tin too, different and clever (always a smashing combination!)Like the stamps, the 'wish' one is great too!

  18. J'ai rien compris évidemment, mais même en anglais il est beau ton pot !

  19. wonderful tin !
    I love your english ! ;)

  20. Oh Wishing hard !
    loving the tin and the zips awesome idea thanks

  21. Love your altered tin! The stamp plate looks fantastic on the fabric, such lovely subtle colours too. Wonderful!
    Alison x

  22. Just visited your personal blog. Forgive me if it takes a while to figure out these english translations! Would love to win any of Artistic Stampers stamps. Your blog and DTs give me so much inspiration. Thanks sue

  23. Fab tin can, great stamps. Thanks for the chance.. Hugs,moni

  24. Some great ideas on this funky little tin!

  25. I haven't seen this plate before - can really see some use for those stamps. Love the tin too.

  26. How brilliant is that flower!! And gorgeous stamp! I'm inspired - now nothing is safe from alteration in the house!!

  27. How fun! Your stamping and flower are fabulous!

  28. Love the altered tin especially the zip and flower. Very unique.

  29. Love all the layers on your recycled tin. A fun proect and great stamps. Elaine

  30. Love all the stamping on the container. And, using the jeans!! Love that too!

  31. I don't speak l'Anglais fluently but I love so much les frasques de Mâdâme et les tampons sus-mentionnés !!!!!

  32. I make a wish too. I can win these stamps. Gorgeous your poem...

  33. I will definitely be doing this. Particularly like the zip edging - very clever! Nice poem too. Thank you.

  34. I love the texture of this creative, so fun!

  35. What a great idea! Love the zip feature. Hugs, Buttons x

  36. Oh, I'm wishing I might be lucky! I love your project, so different!


Thank you for leaving us a comment... they are all appreciated... have an inky day!

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.