Friday 8 March 2013

Oh for the life of a sardine! by Titbelsoeur

Salut les patouilleuses, c'est Titbelsoeur aux manettes !

Sardines are good for the health, one says... and they are good for mixed-media, I say ! don't you agree ?
Look, I have taken a basic sardine can, covered it with a slight coat of gesso mixed with blue acrylic paint, showing a very clear blue...
Glued images from the internet on the bottom and glued the children on a cardstock to strengthen it.

The stamp I used comes from the Kat's Creations "our house" plate

I hope you like my sardine can (I really hope, because I may show you others in the coming days ;-)
Thanks for stopping by, I am really looking forward to reading your comments !
A tout bientôt !


  1. That's lovely! Really different! Given me a nice idea for "the college" table at a local craft fair organised by one of the students in class. I have done something similar in the past but it using die cuts instead of those beautiful images. Thanks for sharing your beautiful project.

    Take care

    Jackie x

  2. What a brilliant project...I hope it is an empty tin?
    XXX Margreet

  3. tu sais combien je les aime tes boites à sardines ! et celle-ci est superbe...

  4. What a fantastic project
    Rosie x

  5. What a fun piece! Love your altered Sardine tin!

  6. Very nice and great choice of images. Love the blue x

  7. Great bit of re-cycling...very artistic ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  8. What a lovely, cute idea! And the weird, coincidental thing - I was singing that very song to my grand-daughter in the car this morning, Radio 2 were playing a bit of Madness :)

  9. I just say: I'll never look at sardins as I did before!!!!Is this kind of expression good in english? Parce que sinon, je te le dis en français, hein? Kisses

  10. What a great idea! I hopped over from your blog and I'm glad I did to see this in its entirety. LOVE IT!

  11. I do love it! It reminds me of our neighborhood gang as kids, the title, as we are old now, but not quite THAT old as their clothes depict!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving such a nice comment!

  12. superbe!!!! je ne regarderais plus les boites a soardines de la même façon... un grand bravo ma belle zibou

  13. Brilliant altered tin, so pretty... still haven't dared try this - I'm worried it'll carry on smelling of sardines!!
    Alison x


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