Saturday 4 May 2019

It's a Twofer!!! the words of the fabulous Lou Withers...while I was experimenting with my samples for this months texture challenge I made two of similar things, they are actually done differently, but somehow ended up nearly the same. One, the card, is made from a rice paper mop up, and I added the texture by stamping the leaves on tissues and embossing with clear EP, then coloured the behind and then stuck them onto my background...why oh why I went the long route when I could have just stamped them onto the background at first I do not know!!!, the second is with a textured background from some pollyfiller (I had no modelling paste left), then inking it up and then adding the leaves that I had stamped with gold that time, then added a dangly charm, I loved them both, so decided to make a card with one and a little notebook with the other, so, as Louise says...I made a twofer!!!

The Artistic Stamper stamps used;

I look forward to seeing your creations for the "texture" challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Jane, you have created the most amazing backgrounds using these skeleton leaves. These are fabulous! The texture you created is fantastic on both the artwork and the notebook. Thanks for sharing!


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