Sunday, 1 November 2020

November's Creative Challenge - TIme


Welcome to our November Challenge, which this month is Time, and can be interpreted any way you like, as long as it has rubber stamps in it.

 Thank you to everyone who joined in last month's challenge. Gorgeous Creations :)
To join in with this challenge (we are limiting the challenge entries to 3 per person), is simple; all we would like you to do is, make a piece of artwork, making sure that you include the theme and some rubber stamping. Pop back here to link up using the Inklinkz at the bottom of this post, so that we can see what you've made and then, leave us a comment to let us know you have joined in with the challenge.
This a challenge just for fun!
In addition, you can enter the same challenge on Facebook just for fun.
To join us on just go to our new Facebook group, and send us a request.

This month, we have BRAND NEW stamps coming soon, and here is a more than sneaky peek of one of them. 


I created this postcard using these watercolours by Talens, and colouring the girl . 


The background has one of Tracy Scott's backgrounds lightly stamped on for texture.  The words are from the stamp set Time and Keys

Watch out for our new stamps on the website , or join our newsletter for updates.  

 We hope that you will join in this month's challenge, and also join us on Facebook too.
 We look forward to seeing your creations. Don't forget to add a comment when you have posted your entry. 
Have a Happy Creative Month
Stay safe 
Jennie x


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I think this year has taught us all just how precious time is. I great challenge and it's lovely to be joining you again. Sandra x

Empire of the Cat said...

Thanks for the challenge theme of time, I love watching the leaves changing colour at this time of year